Another Vaulting Simulator has arrived at its new home in Switzerland. Here's Anna explaining a little about her background and plans for the future...
"My name is Anna Angst-Fischer and I'm a passionate former vaulter. After a break (due to my job) I came back in 2015 as a costume designer to create leotards for the athletes here in Switzerland. I sew about a hundred pieces a year which I have designed upon request. Due to higher demands I decided to set up a vaulting supplies shop named "Annie Wear" in 2017. I visit lots of competitions with my shop trailer which, as a great side effect, allows me to get to know many vaulters and trainers in person. Through that I’ve learned a lot about the issues and needs of our amazing community. Not only did I receive countless requests for costume designs or adjustments, but I also realized that I feel determined to do more for this beautiful & artistic sports form.
In our country vaulting is still a very niche (despite some success) so my long-term goal and personal mission is to build and enable access to the same training opportunities to as many athletes as possible. I want to establish a full training center available for amateurs and professionals, including various workshops, by improving the connections between athletes and trainers.
My official website is and my instagram is annie_wear (on the website you can find a booking-tool for the Simulator)"